*the vision*

In 2004, Pastor Rob Rotola in Wichita KS received a vision to be part of leading 20 million people to the Kingdom of God. This was quite an ambitious mandate for one man, but he knew that he had heard from God. He responded by asking God, “How is one man from Wichita KS going to introduce 20 million people to Christ?” And God said, “If you listen I will show you how.” From there he gathered a team of individuals and began to pray and prepare to launch what they would call, Vision 2020. God showed him that the majority would be won through missions by those who were called to be Evangelist, and that would go into the farthest places of the world to reach those whom have never heard the Gospel. Even before the launch took place in 2006, there were people eager to give their finances into such an amazing vision and they wanted to be part of something so much larger than themselves and begin, “storing up treasures in Heaven”!

A typical gospel campaign in India, China, Nepal, Thailand, Peru, or Africa can cost up to $100,000, and these campaigns can see more than 100,000 people give their lives to Jesus Christ each time. To date Vision 2020 has financed or helped finance hundreds of crusades and have seen over 4.7 million accept Jesus Christ as their Lord. Each crusade is often followed up with written material being left, church’s planted, humanitarian efforts taking place and so much more. Vision 2020 Worldwide is following the mandate to “Preach the Gospel and Make Disciples of all Nations”.


In 2018, Vision 2020 Worldwide brought on a ministry director to help expand and grow the vision to new horizons. Pastor/Evangelist Shannon West has experienced God’s grace and miracles first hand in his life. He has been preaching the Gospel for over 5 years and has traveled to 3 countries to share the Gospel. He is also the leader of a prison evangelist team who travels to Topeka Correctional Facility along with other prisons throughout Kansas weekly and has personally helped lead over 3000 people to Jesus Christ with his testimony of God’s grace and hope. We are truly blessed about the excitement and personal love for Jesus Christ that Shannon brings on board. We thank God for his decision to help us reach our goal of finding supporters who will help us in financing the amazing ministries that are taking the good news of the Gospel to every nation, tribe and tongue. 

88,813 salvations in 2023

The top priority of Vision 2020 is reaching lives for the Kingdom of Heaven. The gospel of Jesus Christ is so relevant and powerful, and we work hard to get in to the farthest places of the world. 

A key component of Vision 2020 is helping those in need whether it’s clean water or rescue from sex-trafficking, Vision 2020 is about sharing God’s love with others

Vision 2020’s education component includes educating new pastors and christians on God’s word and the actionable steps needed to continue the discipleship of each person.