At Word of Life Church LifeGroups exist to engage in authentic community by intentionally cultivating

relationships, encouragement, and accountability.

 We believe something incredible happens when people become intentional about doing life together.

What you can expect at a WLC LifeGroup: 

  • Between 6-14 people
  • Meet for around 1.5-2 hours
  • Discuss and learn together by going through various book studies together, studying books of the Bible, or following along with a sermon series discussion guides.
  • Social nights and outside activities with your group.
  • Opportunities to serve together

relationship building

LifeGroups are a place where you can experience meaningful and authentic friendship with your fellow group members

LifeGroups are a place where you will be encouraged to grow deeper in your relationships with Christ through biblical teaching and accountability.

spiritual growth


LifeGroup members will be committed to meeting on a regular basis. While it is recognized that not everyone will always be able to attend every meeting, the group is encouraged to make full participation in the life of the group a high priority.

LifeGroups will pursue opportunities to serve the community together as a group.

serving together

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